~Jesus, The Dialogues
There are Moments That Change Everything
I had no idea what would happen when Mary Love and I joined three women in dialogue on a beautiful spring morning in May. No idea how cracked open each of our hearts would be.
Yet from the beginning it was as if a gesture was made, a gracious gesture—like that of holding hands. Something very delicate, like a teary, but smiling wave, as with a hankie dangling from fingers at a train station, releasing a companion into a new future. It was an embrace of the vulnerable.
It was a surprise that, while we were all vulnerable, the vulnerable one tended to . . . was me.
I don’t remember much about what happened “after the surprise.” I was in a zone—the kind you get into when something moves through you. That was what I felt: a power had moved through me.
And something had moved…in me.
I didn’t know what had happened. I went to bed a bit befuddled, but I didn’t wake up wondering one bit about “what” had happened the day before. I just felt unquestionably good. Joyously so. I was silly in a kind of profound way all day, and a couple of pictures taken then didn’t even look like me. Had I ever laughed that hard or smiled that wide?
These women (Mary Love, Helen Burke, Rhetta Morgan, and Jackie Lesser) and me too, are a demonstration of everything good, and true and beautiful about A Course of Love…as was the setting, the sun, the singing, and Mary’s creation of this video. It was pure union and relationship.
I have tried and tried to write profound things about it, but maybe the most profound thing I can say is that I could not find the words. . . although these from Jesus are pretty darn good. This was the message of the day:
Now we must return to you the freedom
and the will to fan the flames of your desire to be,
and to express, who you are in truth.
From Day 9.30 of The Dialogues
This site grew out of that day as surely as did my joy. Now it is all about fanning that flame…for myself…and for all of you who are ready to put yourself back in the picture, to love yourself again, and to take A Course of Love beyond the book and put it in motion, to let it leave the station, to be it in life. . .together.
This is where I choose to live. This is where this life-transforming work can take us.
Jesus asks, in A Treatise on the New, (12.35 & 36)

What will the future hold?
“It is up to us acting as one body, one mind, one heart. It is up to us creating as one body, one mind, one heart. Because it is the new future of a new form joined in unity and relationship, the only guarantees that are known to us is that it will be a future of love, a future without fear, a future with unlimited freedom. For what more could we ask? And what more could be asked of us?
Make no mistake that what is asked of us is everything. What is asked is our total willingness to abandon the old, our total willingness to embrace the new. But also make no mistake that what is given to us is everything. All the power of creation is released onto us . . .
Let us begin…