"There is no "other" who can follow the call meant for you."
D i a l o g u e and
C r e a t i o n o f t h e N e w
There is no exclusivity to this call.
It excludes no race nor religion nor ones of either sex or sexual preference.
It but calls all to love and to live in the abundance of the truth. ~ Jesus
As you and I reach our full capacity for “the new,” Jesus tells us to leave the book behind and go be in dialogue.
Dialogue is what will allow you to, in a way that only “you” can, let your spaciousness and sharing expand and bless the world most quickly.
This essential time calls for the embrace of all, while placing our attention where it is most needed, on dialogue and creation of the new.
The new isn’t a structure, or a way, or a program…but the energy of our mutual regard…our resonance, a reverberation that is an expansion of the boundaries of our consciousness.
What we “know” becomes an awareness rather than a thought concept.
Shared knowing crosses boundaries of time and space to create the new reality, to bring the true reality in which we exist . . .into observable form.
This grand mission is ours if we’re willing
to leave behind the old and to embrace the new.
“While this has been called the time of Christ, it is obviously no longer the time of Jesus Christ. My time came and my time ended. The time when a single baby born of a virgin mother could change the world has passed. The world is quite simply bigger now and the identities of your personal selves split by far more than history and far more than the oceans that separate east from west.
This is why …
this call to return to your Self is being sounded far and wide and why it goes out to humble and ordinary people like yourself.
There is no exclusivity to this call. It excludes no race nor religion nor ones of either sex or sexual preference. It but calls all to love and to live in the abundance of the truth. T3:21.21
“What you have seen as your failings or weaknesses are as valuable as are your successes and strengths.
“What has separated you will also unite you.
“There is no “other” who can follow the call meant for you. No other who can give the response you are meant to give. Do not make any false plans that give your power to others more learned of this Course than you to be the savior only you can be. Do not think that only those who are more bold than you or who speak more eloquently or who are better examples of a good and saintly life are those who will lead the way for others to follow. Do not give in to the idea that one special one is needed nor give to any one a role you would not claim for yourself.
“No leaders and no followers are needed . . . all are called equally to represent the truth and to observance of the truth.” T3:21.23-24