In A Course of Love’s 4th treatise, A Treatise on the New, all are called to continue as forerunners and prophets of the new. Asked to accept a wisdom beyond our personal capacity, we have been summoned to be beacons of the new and to establish the covenant of the new.
From A Treatise on the New
Be grateful to yourself that you have had the courage to listen and to learn and to study what these forerunners of the new, these prophets of the new have called you to learn. Be appreciative of every tool that has advanced your progress. But now be willing to leave them behind.
These have been the last of the intermediaries, these called to a wisdom beyond their personal capacity. Now these forerunners of the new, along with you, are called to step beyond what they have learned to what can only be revealed. These are my beloved, along with you, and this an entreaty meant especially for them.
You who have provided a service cherished by God, and who have risen in the esteem of your brothers and sisters, be beacons now to the new. You who have gained so much through your learning and your study and your sharing of the same may find it difficult to leave it behind. A choice made by you to stay with learning rather than to move beyond it would be an understandable choice, but you are needed now. Needed to help establish the covenant of the new. Be not afraid, for the glory that has been yours will be as nothing to the glory that awaits you in the creation of the new. You will always be honored for what you have done. But do you want this to be forever the cause of your honor? Be willing to be the forerunners still, to join your brothers and sisters in this next phase of the journey, the journey out of the time of learning that will usher in the fullness of time. T4:9.7-9
From my 2020 Journal
Wow, Mary and Jesus,
I don’t know about esteem, but I am being a beacon to the new. I am willingly a forerunner “still” in the journey out of the time of learning that will usher in the fullness of time. I am that. I became that “naturally,” without even realizing that it is exactly where you want me to be.
I am so grateful.
I won’t separate myself “off” from you to do the few things I must do today. . . and when they are done, I will devote myself to you and to the new ideas that have been sparked, especially about my own worth and the mission I am to complete.
My daughter, I am so delighted by the way you came to this reading and your response to it. You always knew, “inside” that this wasn’t the time to stay with learning. From the start, this is what excited you the most. Why? Because you were made for the new time – and in many ways – you have felt appropriately that you do not / have not / will not, could not, fit in the time that is passing.
You were made, fashioned, created . . . for The New.
Are you one of those, like me, who are created for The New?
How beautiful, Teresa! You say it as feeling, and that is such a gift, to me and all who see this. Thank you so much. Thank you sharing your heart’s knowing that you are created for The New, and that each are being called to The New. Thank you for your “response” to that call. . . and to me.
Am I created for the new?
My eyes are open,
I take in the beauty of the day
and feel life respond to my gaze
My ears are open
but he sound I hear is internal
A sound, beneath the silence.
A Sound that calls my heart to fully open
Compassion flows from it
like light from the sun
I am always surprised to find tears upon my cheeks
I rest in a heartfelt gratitude
that wakes up all the cells of my body
to sing praise to the morning and God
Am I created for the new?
Sometimes I feel like it is anchored in my body.
Anchored into the earth beneath my feet
The peace around me is so pervasive
that it wraps me in its arms
as It gently leads me to go about my day.
But oh how I just love to sit in the flow of Gods love for me.
It feels so personal, yet I know
it is exactly how God feels for everyone
I deeply desire everyone to know this feeling.
I Thank You Mari, your work helped me to know and feel Gods love.
Am I created for the new?
Yes, and so is everyone else
If they choose to hear beneath the silence.